Glee Season 3

Glee - Paradise By The Dashboard Light (Full Performance) 3x21

Glee - It's All Coming Back To Me Now (Full Performance + Scene) 3x21

Glee - We Are Young (Full Performance) 3x08

GLEE - Black Or White (Full Performance) (Official Music Video)

Glee - What Makes You Beautiful (Full Performance) 3x19

Glee - Love Shack (Full performance) 3x13

Glee - Rachel Tells New Directions She Rigged The Election So Kurt Would Win 3x07

Glee Season 3 Premiere Promo (HD)

Glee-You Get What You Give (Full Performance)

GLEE - Here's To Us (Full Performance) (Official Music Video)

Glee - Flashdance (What a feeling) (Full performance) 3x20

Glee Blaine joins New Directions and Santana gets kicked out 3x01

Glee Blaine transfers to Mckinley 3x01

Glee Kurt and Blaine gets couple counselling from Emma 3x17

Glee Season 3 nationals show circle 3x21

GLEE - My Love Is Your Love (Full Performance) (Official Music Video) HD

Glee - Beiste tells Sue and Coach Roz the truth about Cooter hitting her 3x18

Glee - All I want for christmas (Full performance) 3x09

Glee - Stereo Hearts (Full Performance) 3x13

GLEE Full Performance of Glory Days

Glee - We Are The Champions (Full Performance) 3x21

Glee - Sam returns to New Directions 3x08

Glee - In My Life (Full Performance + Scene) 3x22

Glee - Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat (Season 3) (Full Performance)